3.3.7. Self-diagnostics functionConnect HI-SCAN (Pro) tester to the standard diagnostic socket (DLC).
Consider the codes of malfunctions which are given out by system of self-diagnostics of AKPP. Then eliminate malfunctions according to 3.13.
In random access memory (RAM) of the electronic control unit at most 8 diagnostic codes of malfunctions (as their emergence) can be written down.
In case of repeated emergence of any code of malfunction, it will be written down in memory only once.
If the quantity of the written-down diagnostic codes of malfunctions or conditions of emergence of malfunction (diagnostic trouble patterns) exceeds 8, the codes of malfunctions written down earlier will be removed from memory in sequence, since the earliest.
Do not disconnect the storage battery before reading of diagnostic codes of malfunctions or conditions of emergence of malfunction (diagnostic trouble patterns) as in case of a detachment of the storage battery they will be removed from memory of the electronic control unit.
If the system passed to emergency operation of management and the transmission is fixed on the 3rd transfer (gear shifting is blocked), in random access memory (RAM) of the electronic control unit the diagnostic code of malfunction in the form of a code of emergency operation of work registers. In total in memory three such codes of malfunction can be written down.
If the transmission works only at the third transfer (gear shifting is blocked) and a key of the lock of ignition will turn in the situation "OFF" ("Off"), emergency operation of work will be cancelled (cancellation), but diagnostic codes of malfunctions will remain in random access memory (RAM) of the electronic control unit.
Information storing in memory (memorization)
In memory no more than 8 diagnostic codes of malfunctions and 3 parameters of emergency operation of work can be kept.
If the capacity of memory does not allow to make record of new information, instead of the diagnostic codes which were stored in memory of malfunctions and parameters of emergency operation of work will be rewritten new in sequence, since the earliest.
The same code of malfunction cannot be written down in memory more than once.
Automatic removal of codes of malfunctions from memory (Automatic deletion)
All diagnostic codes of malfunctions automatically are removed from memory after the oil temperature in AKPP (ATF) will reach 50 C during 200 times after record of the last code of malfunction in memory.
Compulsory removal of codes of malfunctions from memory
(Forced deletion)
The diagnostic codes which were stored in memory of malfunctions can be removed by means of a tester if the following conditions are satisfied:
a key of the lock of ignition in the situation "ON";
signals (impulses) from the sensor of provision of a cranked shaft are not found;
signals (impulses) from the sensor of frequency of rotation of a target shaft of a check point are not found;
signals (impulses) from the sensor of speed of the car are not found;
emergency operation of work is not included.