Hyundai Matrix service from 2002 to 2006 of release
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
5.1. General information
5.1.1. Technical operations on the car
5.1.2. A steering with the amplifier
5.1.3. Removal, check and installation of a steering column and shaft
5.1.4. Removal and installation of the lock of a steering column
5.1.5. Removal and installation of the driveshaft of a steering
5.1.6. Removal of the steering mechanism
5.1.7. Dismantling, assembly and installation of the steering mechanism
5.1.8. Removal and installation of hoses of hydrosystem of the amplifier of a steering
5.1.9. Removal and installation of a returnable tube and hose
5.1.10. Steering check with the amplifier
5.1.11. Removal, dismantling, check and assembly of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering
5.2. Tables
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Electric equipment schemes


5.1.7. Dismantling, assembly and installation of the steering mechanism

Fig. 5.35. Components of the steering mechanism

Check and adjustment before dismantling

Fig. 5.36. Fixing of the steering mechanism in a vice

Establish on sponges of a vice of a slip from soft metal (brass or aluminum plates) for prevention of damage of the steering mechanism and fix last (fig. 5.36) in a vice.

At installation of the steering mechanism in a vice fix it so that sponges of a vice совмещалисьс an installation site of a bracket of fastening. Other way of fastening in a vice can lead to damage of the steering mechanism.

Check of the general moment of rotation of a leading gear wheel of the steering mechanism (preliminary tightness of a shaft of a leading gear wheel of the steering mechanism)

Fig. 5.37. Rotation of a gear wheel of the reechny steering mechanism

For check of the general moment of rotation of a leading gear wheel of the steering mechanism by means of a special key rotate a gear wheel of the reechny steering mechanism within one turn during 4–6 about (fig. 5.37).
General moment of rotation of a leading gear wheel of the steering mechanism (nominal rate): 0,6–1,3 N · m.

Measure the moment of rotation of a conducting gear wheel at a full speed of a steering rack.

If the measured size does not correspond to nominal rate, at first adjust the provision of a cover of an emphasis of a steering rack and then again check the general moment of rotation of a leading gear wheel of the steering mechanism.
If it is not possible to adjust the general moment of rotation of a leading gear wheel, check an emphasis cover, a spring of an emphasis and an emphasis of a steering rack and if necessary replace details.

Check of resistance to rotation of the hinge of steering draft
Make 10 strong turns of a tip of steering draft.

Fig. 5.38. Measurement of resistance to rotation of the hinge of steering draft

By means of a spring dynamometer measure resistance to rotation of the hinge of steering draft (fig. 5.38).
Moment of resistance to rotation of the hinge of steering draft (nominal rate): 8–22 N (2–5 N · м).
If the measured size exceeds nominal rate, replace steering draft assembled.

If the measured size less nominal rate, however steering draft turns smoothly, without excessive люфта, such tip is suitable for operation. If the measured size less than 4,3 N (1 N · м), replace steering draft assembled.

Check of a protective cover
Check a protective cover on absence of damages or condition deterioration.
Check correctness of fastening of a protective cover.
If обнаружны defects of a protective cover, replace it new.


Fig. 5.39. Removal of a tip of steering draft

Remove a tip from steering draft (fig. 5.39).

Fig. 5.40. Removal of a protective cover of the spherical hinge

Clamp a tip of steering draft in a vice, then remove a protective cover of the spherical hinge (fig. 5.40).

Fig. 5.41. Removal of a big collar of fastening of a protective cover of steering draft

Remove a big collar of fastening of a protective cover of steering draft (fig. 5.41).

Fig. 5.42. Removal of a small collar of fastening of a protective cover of steering draft

Remove a small collar of fastening of a protective cover of steering draft (fig. 5.42).
Pull together a protective cover from the case of the steering mechanism on steering draft.

At replacement of a protective cover be convinced of lack of a rust on a lath of the steering mechanism.

Disconnect tubes of the steering mechanism from the case of the valve and the steering mechanism and remove them.
Slowly moving a lath, merge working liquid from the case of the steering mechanism.

Fig. 5.43. Raschekanivaniye of a lock washer

By means of a chisel расчеканьте a lock washer which fixes steering draft and a lath of the steering mechanism (fig. 5.43).

Fig. 5.44. Removal of steering draft from a lath of the steering mechanism

Remove steering draft from a lath of the steering mechanism (fig. 5.44).

Be careful at removal of steering draft from a lath of the steering mechanism, do not bend a lath.

Fig. 5.45. Removal of a lock-nut of a cover of an emphasis of a lath

Unscrew a lock-nut of a cover of an emphasis of a lath (fig. 5.45).

Fig. 5.46. Removal of covers of an emphasis of a lath

Remove covers of an emphasis of a lath by means of a tool head on 14 mm (fig. 5.46).

Fig. 5.47. Lath components

Remove a spring of an emphasis of a lath, a lath emphasis, a cover of an emphasis of a lath and the loose leaf from the case of the steering mechanism (fig. 5.47).

Fig. 5.48. Bolts of fastening of the case of the valve

Unscrew two bolts of fastening and remove the valve case assembled (fig. 5.48).

Fig. 5.49. Turn of the limiter of a course of a lath clockwise

Turn the limiter of a course of a lath clockwise until the end of a lock ring does not leave a groove of the case of the steering mechanism (fig. 5.49).

Fig. 5.50. Removal of a lock ring

As soon as the end of a lock ring leaves a groove of the case of the steering mechanism, turn the limiter of a course of a lath counter-clockwise and take a lock ring (fig. 5.50).

Fig. 5.51. Removal of ring laying

Remove ring laying from the basic plug of a lath (fig. 5.51).

Fig. 5.52. Epiploon removal

Remove an epiploon from the basic plug of a lath (fig. 5.52).

Fig. 5.53. Extraction of a leading gear wheel and the valve assembled from the valve case

Easy postukivaniye of a hammer with plastic brisk accurately take a leading gear wheel and the valve assembled from the valve case (fig. 5.53).
By means of the special tool take an epiploon and the ball bearing from the valve case.

Be careful, do not damage an internal surface of the cylinder of a leading gear wheel in the case of the steering mechanism.

Fig. 5.54. Epiploon extraction from the case of the steering mechanism

By means of the special tool take an epiploon from the case of the steering mechanism (fig. 5.54).

Be осторонжы, do not damage an internal surface of the cylinder of a lath in the case of the steering mechanism.

Check of a lath of the steering mechanism
Check lack of wear or damages on teeths of a steering rack.
Check a contact surface under epiploon installation on lack of excessive wear or damage.

Fig. 5.55. Steering rack

Check straightforwardness of a steering rack (lack of a bend or twisting) (fig. 5.55).
Check a sealing ring on lack of excessive wear or damage.
Check an epiploon on lack of excessive wear or damage.

Fig. 5.56. Leading gear wheel

Check teeths of a leading gear wheel on lack of wear or damages (fig. 5.56).
Check a contact surface under epiploon installation on lack of excessive wear or damage.
Check a sealing ring on lack of excessive wear or damage.
Check an epiploon on lack of excessive wear or damage.
Check smoothness of rotation and absence of extraneous noise at operation of bearings.
Check absence excessive люфта in bearings.
Check absence of loss of needles from the needle bearing.
Check absence of damages on an internal surface of the cylinder of the case of the steering mechanism.
Check protective covers on lack of wear, cracks and gaps.

Put recommended working PSF-3 liquid on a working edge of an epiploon of a lath of the steering mechanism on all its circle.

Fig. 5.57. Scheme of installation of a restrictive washer and epiploon

Establish a restrictive washer and an epiploon in the case of the steering mechanism, as is shown in drawing 5.57.
Put recommended working liquid on an epiploon of the basic plug of a lath of the steering mechanism on all its circle.

Fig. 5.58. The scheme of installation of an epiploon on the basic plug of a lath

Establish an epiploon on the basic plug of a lath (fig. 5.58).
Put recommended working liquid on ring laying and establish it on the basic plug of a lath of the steering mechanism.
Put recommended konsistentny greasing on teeths of a lath of the steering mechanism.
Recommended greasing: SAE J310, NLGI No. 2 of general purpose.

Fig. 5.59. Ventilating opening

Do not fill with greasing a ventilating opening of a lath of the steering mechanism (fig. 5.59).

Fig. 5.60. Utanovka of lath components

Insert a lath into the case of the steering mechanism, then establish the basic plug of a lath and the limiter of a course of a lath (fig. 5.60).

Fig. 5.61. Scheme of installation of a lock ring

Insert a lock ring into an opening of the limiter of a course of a lath through an opening in the case of the steering mechanism when openings are combined. Turn the limiter of a course of a lath and finally fix a lock ring (fig. 5.61).

After installation of a lock ring its ends should not be visible through an opening in the case of the steering mechanism.

Fig. 5.62. Installation of an epiploon and the ball bearing in the valve case

By means of the special tool establish an epiploon and the ball bearing in the valve case (fig. 5.62).

Fig. 5.63. Leading gear wheel

Put recommended working liquid on a leading gear wheel and the valve assembled, then establish them in the valve case (fig. 5.63).

Fig. 5.64. Installation of the case of the valve and ring laying on the case of the steering mechanism

Put recommended working liquid on an epiploon and establish it in the case of the steering mechanism. Establish the valve case in collecting and ring laying on the case of the steering mechanism (fig. 5.64).
Establish a new lock washer and steering draft. To Zachekanta of edge of a lock washer in two places on steering draft.

Get in two places short moustaches of a lock washer in dredging of steering draft.

Fig. 5.65. Scheme of installation of a lock washer

Before installation always replace a lock washer new (fig. 5.65).

Fig. 5.66. Lath assembly

Establish the loose leaf, an emphasis, a spring and a cover of an emphasis of a lath in the case of the steering mechanism in the sequence shown in drawing 5.66.
Put hermetic (semydrying sealant) turning into "rubber" on a carving part of a cover of an emphasis of a lath before its installation.

Fig. 5.67. Installation of a cover of an emphasis of a lath

Establish a lath in the central situation, then insert a cover of an emphasis of a lath into the case of the steering mechanism. By means of the special tool tighten a cover of an emphasis of a lath the moment of 15 N · m (fig. 5.67).
Turn out a cover of an emphasis of a lath on 30-60 ° and tighten a lock-nut of a cover of an emphasis of a lath the nominal moment of 50-70 N · m.
Establish and tighten fastening of tubes of the steering mechanism by the nominal moment, then establish into place rubber support by means of special glue (adhesive).
Put recommended silicone greasing in an installation site of a small collar of a protective cover on steering draft (in a flute on draft).
Establish a new big collar of a protective cover of steering draft.

Before installation of a protective cover of steering draft always replace new a big collar of a protective cover.

Fig. 5.68. Installation of a protective cover of steering draft

Establish a protective cover of steering draft into place, without allowing its twisting (fig. 5.68).

Fig. 5.69. Places of drawing of greasing

Fill an internal cavity of a protective cover of the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draft (A) and a working edge of the spherical hinge (B) with recommended greasing (fig. 5.69).
Put on a sealing edge of a protective cover recommended hermetic and fix it on the spherical hinge by means of a collar.
Recommended greasing:
And – POLY LUB GLY 801K or equivalent;
B – SHOWA SUNLIGHT MB2 or equivalent.
Recommended hermetic for a sealing edge of a protective cover: THREE BOND.

Fig. 5.70. Lock-nut of a tip of steering draft

Wrap the left and right tips of steering drafts so that the length of an acting part of draft at the left and on the right was identical and corresponded to nominal rate. Fix situation by a lock-nut (fig. 5.70).
Length of an acting part of steering draft: 204,5 mm.
Check the general moment of rotation of a leading gear wheel of the steering mechanism (a preliminary tightness of a shaft of a leading gear wheel of the steering mechanism).


Fig. 5.71. Installation of the steering mechanism

Establish the steering mechanism assembled through an arch of the right wheel (fig. 5.71).
Establish a basic plate of a protective cover of a shaft of a steering.
Connect a protective cover of a shaft of a steering to its basic plate by means of a new tape collar.
Connect a shaft of a steering and a steering column assembled to the steering mechanism assembled.
Establish other details as it should be, the return to removal.
Remove air from hydrosystem of the amplifier of a steering.

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5.1.6. Removal of the steering mechanism
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5.1.8. Removal and installation of hoses of hydrosystem of the amplifier of a steering