Hyundai Matrix service from 2002 to 2006 of release
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
2.1. Maintenance
2.2. Mechanical part (engine of 1,6 l)
2.2.1. Check of the block of cylinders
2.2.2. Removal and installation of a support of the power unit
2.2.3. Removal and engine and transmission installation assembled
2.2.4. Removal, check and installation of camshafts
2.2.5. Removal, check and installation of a belt of a drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye
2.2.6. Dismantling, check and assembly of a cranked shaft
2.2.7. Removal, check and installation of a flywheel (MKPP) or plate of a drive of the hydrotransformer (AKPP)
2.2.8. Dismantling and assembly of shatunno-piston group
2.3. Mechanical part (engine of 1.8 l)
2.4. Cooling system
2.5. Greasing system
2.6. Power supply system
2.7. Control system, fuel system and system of decrease in toxicity
2.8. Tables
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Electric equipment schemes


2.2.3. Removal and engine and transmission installation assembled

Remove the storage battery.

Fig. 2.32. Installation of basic plugs in internal tubes of cross-section beams of a stretcher

Disconnect an air line of the air filter (fig. 2.32).
Disconnect sockets of the sensor switch of lamps of a backing and a plait of wires of the engine.
On models from a 5-step manual transmission disconnect the socket of the sensor switch of lamps of a backing.
Disconnect sockets of a plait of wires of the generator.
Merge cooling liquid.

Fig. 2.33. Air line of the air filter

At a detachment of hoses always previously put adjusting labels that at connection hoses were established in a starting position.

Be careful at a detachment of hoses, do not spill oil or other liquid. Muffle the disconnected tubes or hoses to prevent hit of extraneous particles inside.

Fig. 2.34. Detachment of the top and bottom hoses of a radiator

Disconnect the top and bottom hoses of a radiator from the engine, then remove a radiator assembled (fig. 2.34).
Disconnect a wire of "weight" of the engine.
Disconnect a vacuum hose of the amplifier of brakes.
Disconnect the main топливопровод, a hose of return of fuel and a hose of system of catching паров fuels from the engine.
Disconnect both hoses (bringing and taking away) a heater from the engine.
Disconnect a cable of a pedal of an accelerator from the engine.
On models from a manual transmission remove a gear shifting cable from a transmission.
On models from an automatic transmission remove a cable of management of AKPP from a transmission.
Disconnect a cable of a drive of a speedometer from a transmission.

Fig. 2.35. Removal of the compressor of the conditioner

Disconnect the conditioner compressor from its arm of fastening (fig. 2.35).
To Poddomkratta car.

Fig. 2.36. Drain jams of transmissions

Merge oil or oil for (ATF) AKPP from a transmission (fig. 2.36).
Disconnect a reception pipe of system of release from a final collector.

By means of a wire adhere a reception pipe of system of release to a car body.

Fig. 2.37. Fastening of cables of a choice and gear shifting

On models from a manual transmission remove a cable of a choice of transfers and a gear shifting cable (fig. 2.37).

Unscrew bolts of fastening of the spherical hinge of the bottom lever and the stabilizer to the bottom lever of a suspension bracket.
Disconnect shaft of a drive of wheels from a transmission.

Close openings for shaft of a drive of wheels in a transmission in order to avoid hit in dirt and extraneous particles.
Before installation of shaft of a drive of wheels replace lock rings of shaft.

By means of a wire suspend the bottom lever and a shaft of a drive of a wheel for a car body.
By means of chains or cables fix the engine on a traverse for arms of fastening and hang up it on the lift. Raise the engine assembled for unloading of support of the engine from weight of the power unit before performance of the following operations a little.

Fig. 2.38. Forward support of the engine

Remove a forward support of the engine (fig. 2.38).

Fig. 2.39. Back support of the engine

Disconnect a back support of the engine (fig. 2.39).
Unscrew bolts of fastening of a lateral support of the engine.

Fig. 2.40. Arm of a lateral support

Remove an arm of a lateral support from the engine (fig. 2.40).
Slowly raise the engine for unloading of support from engine and transmission weight in collecting and temporarily leave it in the suspended situation.

Check, that all cables were disconnected from the engine, a wire (electric sockets), hoses, etc.

Take caps from within an antispray guard of the left wing and unscrew bolts of fastening of an arm of a support of a transmission.
Directing the power unit a transmission down, lift the engine and a transmission assembled from a motor compartment and remove them from the car.

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2.2.2. Removal and installation of a support of the power unit
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2.2.4. Removal, check and installation of camshafts