Hyundai Matrix service from 2002 to 2006 of release
1. Operation and car maintenance
2. Engine
2.1. Maintenance
2.2. Mechanical part (engine of 1,6 l)
2.3. Mechanical part (engine of 1.8 l)
2.4. Cooling system
2.5. Greasing system
2.6. Power supply system
2.7. Control system, fuel system and system of decrease in toxicity
2.8. Tables
2.8.1. The table 2.1 Dependence between density of cooling liquid and concentration этиленгликоля
2.8.2. Nomenalnye's table 2.2 adjusting data of belts of a drive of hinged units
2.8.3. Table 2.3 Technical characteristics of the engine in volume of 1,6 l
2.8.4. Table 2.4 Moments of an inhaling of carving connections of the engine in volume of 1,6 l
2.8.5. Table 2.5 Searches of causes of defect and ways of their elimination
2.8.6. Table 2.6 Searches of causes of defect of hydrojacks and ways of their elimination
2.8.7. Table 2.7 Repair size of a piston ring and identification label
2.8.8. Table 2.8 Technical characteristics of the engine in volume of 1,8 l
2.8.9. Table 2.9 Moments of an inhaling of carving connections of the engine in volume of 1,8 l
2.8.10. Table 2.10 Searches of causes of defect and ways of their elimination
2.8.11. Table 2.11 Nominal adjusting data of belts of a drive of hinged units
2.8.12. Table 2.12 Repair size of a piston ring and identification label
2.8.13. Table 2.13 the Repair sizes of openings under saddles of valves
2.8.14. Table 2.14 the Repair sizes of directing plugs of valves
2.8.15. Table 2.15 Technical characteristics of a control system
2.8.16. Table 2.16 Data for check
2.8.17. Table 2.17 Moments of an inhaling of carving connections
2.8.18. Table 2.18 Applied hermetics
2.8.19. Table 2.19 Search of malfunctions in system of supply of fuel
2.8.20. Table 2.20 Search of malfunctions in system of supply of fuel
2.8.21. Table 2.21 When engine cold
2.8.22. Table 2.22 When engine cold
2.8.23. Table 2.23 Diagnostic codes of malfunctions (1.6 l, 1.8 l with the European onboard system of diagnostics)
2.8.24. Table 2.24 Diagnostic codes of malfunctions (1.6 l, 1.8 l without the European onboard system of diagnostics)
2.8.25. The table 2.25 Check by means of a tester
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Electric equipment schemes
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2.8.8. Table 2.8 Technical characteristics of the engine in volume of 1,8 l
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2.8.7. Table 2.7 Repair size of a piston ring and identification label
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2.8.9. Table 2.9 Moments of an inhaling of carving connections of the engine in volume of 1,8 l