Hyundai Matrix service from 2002 to 2006 of release
1. Operation and car maintenance
1.1. Car description
1.2. Keys and locks of doors
1.2.1. Electronic immobilizer (anticreeping system of blocking of start of the engine) (the additional equipment)
1.2.2. Locks of doors
1.2.3. Anticreeping system (the additional equipment)
1.2.4. Back door
1.3. Governing bodies and instrumentations
1.4. Audiosystem
1.5. Heating and air conditioning
1.6. Salon equipment
1.7. Driving and car service
1.8. Tables
2. Engine
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Electric equipment schemes

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1.2.3. Anticreeping system (the additional equipment)

This system is intended for prevention of unauthorized penetration into the car. It has three conditions: the first the readiness, the second the alarm system and the third condition shutdown. At operation of anticreeping system the sound alarm system (siren) turns on and indexes of turns start to blink.

Ready state
Park the car and switch off the engine. Bring system into a ready state (fig. 1.14).
Take out a key from the ignition lock.
Be convinced that the cowl and a back door are blocked.
Block doors by means of the transmitter of system of remote control by locks of doors.
After performance listed above actions indexes of turns will blink once, specifying that the system is given in a ready state.

If any of doors, the back door or a cowl are open, the system will not be given in a ready state. If it occurred, deduce system from a ready state, as shown below.

Do not bring system into a ready state until all passengers will not leave car salon. When passengers leave car salon, the sound alarm system (siren) can work.

Alarm system condition
The alarm system works, when the car is parked and the system is in a ready state in one of the following cases:
the lobby or a back door without transmitter use opens;
the back door without transmitter use opens;
the cowl opens.
In these cases the sound alarm system (siren) and indexes of turns will work will blink during 27 pages to switch off system, unblock lateral doors or a back door by means of the transmitter.

Shutdown condition
The system is disconnected, when the door of the driver or the passenger will be unblocked by pressing the UNLOCK button to ("Unblock") on the transmitter (fig. 1.15).
After that indexes of turns will blink two times that points to system shutdown.

After shutdown the system can be brought into a ready state, only having made specified above operation.

To disconnect system it is possible only by means of the transmitter. If the transmitter does not work, when the anticreeping system is in a ready state, it is necessary to take the following measures:
open a door by means of a key. The sound alarm system (siren) in this case will work;
insert a key into the lock of ignition and will believe it in the situation "ON" ("Incl.");
wait for 30 pages.
After that the system will be disconnected.

System of remote control by locks of doors (the additional equipment)
Locking of doors.
1. Close all doors.
2. Press the LOCK button to ("block") on the transmitter.
3. Indexes of turns will blink once, specifying that doors are locked.
Unlocking of doors.
1. Press the UNLOCK button it ("is unblocked") on the transmitter.
2. Indexes of turns will blink two times, specifying that all doors are unblocked.

Replacement of an element of a food
When the element of a food of the transmitter will start to be discharged, for opening or closing of doors some pressing buttons can be demanded, the indicator thus will not be shone. In this case replace a food element as soon as possible.

Fig. 1.16. Case opening by means of a screw-driver

For replacement of an element separate the transmitter case by means of a screw-driver, as is shown in drawing 1.16.
Take out an old element of a food from the case, having noticed polarity. Be convinced of correctness of polarity of a new element of a food (the party + is turned down) and establish its (fig. 1.17).

Opening of glass of a door with a mechanical drive of a window regulator

Fig. 1.18. Lifting and glass lowering

To lift or lower door glass, rotate the window regulator handle on or counter-clockwise (fig. 1.18).

Cowl opening

Fig. 1.19. Handle of a drive of the lock of a cowl

To open a cowl, pull on itself the handle of a drive of the lock of a cowl (fig. 1.19).

Fig. 1.20. Safety lever

Pressing the safety lever, lift a cowl (fig. 1.20).
Prop up a cowl a basic core.
To close a cowl, clean a basic core and fix it in a clamp. Slowly lower a cowl before situation on 30 cm above closed and release a cowl that it fell under the influence of own weight. Be convinced that the cowl is reliably locked.

Before a start of motion be surely convinced that the cowl is reliably closed. Not completely closed cowl can unexpectedly open at car movement that will lead to complete loss of visibility, and, in turn, can lead to a road accident (failure).

Remote opening of a cover of a bulk mouth of a fuel tank

Fig. 1.21. Lever of opening of a cover of a bulk mouth of a fuel tank

The cover of a bulk mouth of a fuel tank can be opened from within the car, having pulled up a rychazhok of a drive of opening of the cover, located on a floor in a forward left part of the car (fig. 1.21).

If it is not possible to open a cover of a bulk mouth of a fuel tank owing to its icing, slightly knock on a cover or press it to break ice and to open a cover. If it is necessary, use the antiobledenitelny spray allowed for use (do not use antifreeze of system of cooling) or place the car in a heated room and wait, while ice will thaw.
To open a trunk lid without key use, pull for the lever of a drive of the lock of a trunk lid. to close a trunk lid, lower it, and then press it down to fixing. To be convinced of reliability of fixing of a trunk lid, try to raise it again.

Pairs of gasoline are poisonous. Before refueling always switch off the engine. At the treatment of fuel watch that nearby there was no open flame. In need of replacement establish only an original stopper of a bulk mouth.
Sometimes at a stopper otvorachivaniye at high temperature of air easy "hissing" can be audible. This normal phenomenon and not reason for concern. Opening a stopper of a bulk mouth of a fuel tank, turn it slowly.

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1.2.2. Locks of doors
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1.2.4. Back door